
490 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import { Action } from '../documents/action.mjs';
import { deepFind } from '../helpers/util.mjs';
import { CANDELAFVTT } from '../helpers/config.mjs';
* Extend the basic ActorSheet with some very simple modifications
* @extends {ActorSheet}
export class CandelafvttActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
/** @override */
static get defaultOptions() {
return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: ['candelafvtt', 'sheet', 'actor'],
template: 'systems/candelafvtt/templates/actor/actor-sheet.hbs',
width: 600,
height: 600,
tabs: [
navSelector: '.sheet-tabs',
contentSelector: '.sheet-body',
initial: 'actions',
navSelector: '.bio-tabs',
contentSelector: '.bio-body',
initial: 'bio-background',
/** @override */
get template() {
return `systems/candelafvtt/templates/actor/actor-${this.actor.type.toLowerCase()}-sheet.hbs`;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** @override */
getData() {
// Retrieve the data structure from the base sheet. You can inspect or log
// the context variable to see the structure, but some key properties for
// sheets are the actor object, the data object, whether or not it's
// editable, the items array, and the effects array.
const context = super.getData();
// Use a safe clone of the actor data for further operations.
const actorData = this.actor.toObject(false);
// Add the actor's data to context.data for easier access, as well as flags.
context.system = actorData.system;
context.flags = actorData.flags;
// Prepare character data and items.
if (actorData.type == CONFIG.CANDELAFVTT.types.character) {
// Prepare circle data and items.
if (actorData.type == CONFIG.CANDELAFVTT.types.circle) {
// Add roll data for TinyMCE editors.
context.rollData = context.actor.getRollData();
// TODO remove
return context;
* Prepare character sheets.
* @param {Object} context The actor context.
async _prepareCharacterData(context) {
// get current circle data
if (context.system.circle.uuid) {
const actors = foundry.utils.parseUuid(context.system.circle.uuid);
let circle = actors.collection.get(actors.documentId);
if (!circle) {
// circle is probably gone, clear it
let updateData = {};
updateData['system.circle.uuid'] = '';
updateData['system.circle.name'] = '';
updateData['system.circle.color'] = '';
context.system.circle.name = '';
context.system.circle.color = '';
await this.actor.update(updateData);
} else {
context.system.circle.name = circle.name;
context.system.circle.color = circle.system.color;
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--color-shadow-primary', circle.system.color);
* Prepare circle sheets.
* @param {Object} context The actor context.
_prepareCircleData(context) {
// add image paths
context.system.illuminationCandleImg = 'systems/candelafvtt/img/illumination_candle.png';
context.system.flameImg = 'systems/candelafvtt/img/flame.svg';
* Organize and classify Items.
* @param {Object} context The actor context.
_prepareItems(context) {
// Initialize containers.
const gear = [];
const abilities = [];
const illuminationKeys = [];
// Iterate through items, allocating to containers
for (let i of context.items) {
i.img = i.img || DEFAULT_TOKEN;
if (i.type === CONFIG.CANDELAFVTT.types.gear) {
// Append to features.
else if (i.type === CONFIG.CANDELAFVTT.types.ability) {
else if (i.type === CONFIG.CANDELAFVTT.types.illuminationKey) {
// Assign and return
context.gear = gear;
context.abilities = abilities;
context.illuminationKeys = illuminationKeys;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** @override */
activateListeners(html) {
// Render the item sheet for viewing/editing prior to the editable check.
html.find('.item-edit').click(ev => {
const li = $(ev.currentTarget).parents('.item');
const item = this.actor.items.get(li.data('itemId'));
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Everything below here is only needed if the sheet is editable
if (!this.isEditable) return;
// Add Inventory Item
// Delete Inventory Item
html.find('.item-delete').click(ev => {
const li = $(ev.currentTarget).parents('.item');
const item = this.actor.items.get(li.data('itemId'));
li.slideUp(200, () => this.render(false));
// Delete Inventory Item
html.find('.item-toggle-equip').click(ev => {
const li = $(ev.currentTarget).parents('.item');
const item = this.actor.items.get(li.data('itemId'));
let updateData = {};
updateData['system.equipped'] = !item.system.equipped;
if (this.actor.type == CANDELAFVTT.types.circle) {
// illumination.
// remove circle member.
// Rollable abilities.
html.find('.character-biography').click(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 50);
// Drag events for macros.
if (this.actor.isOwner) {
let handler = ev => this._onDragStart(ev);
html.find('li.item').each((i, li) => {
if (li.classList.contains('inventory-header')) return;
li.setAttribute('draggable', true);
li.addEventListener('dragstart', handler, false);
* Handle a dropped actor (which should be a circle being dropped on an actor)
* @param {Event} event The event
* @param {any} actor The actor ID object being dropped
* @private
/** @override */
async _onDropActor(event, actor) {
let actors = foundry.utils.parseUuid(actor.uuid);
let circle = actors.collection.get(actors.documentId);
if (this.actor.type == CONFIG.CANDELAFVTT.types.character && circle.type == CONFIG.CANDELAFVTT.types.circle) {
let updateData = {};
updateData['system.circle.uuid'] = circle.uuid;
updateData['system.circle.name'] = circle.name;
updateData['system.circle.color'] = circle.system.color;
let circleUpdateData = {};
circleUpdateData['system.members'] = circle.system.members;
circleUpdateData['system.members'].push({ uuid: this.actor.uuid });
await this.actor.update(updateData);
await circle.update(circleUpdateData);
* Handle a dropped item
* @param {Event} event The originating click event
* @private
/** @override */
async _onDropItemCreate(item) {
// if item is a role, ask for confirmation and clean out the current role and spec
if (item.type == CONFIG.CANDELAFVTT.types.role) {
let d = new Dialog({
title: 'Change Role',
content: '<p>Please confirm you want to change your role. This will also reset your specialty.</p>',
buttons: {
yes: {
icon: '<i class="fas fa-check"></i>',
label: 'Yes',
callback: async () => {
await this.setSpecialty(null, true);
await this.setRole(item);
no: {
icon: '<i class="fas fa-times"></i>',
label: 'No',
callback: () => {},
default: 'no',
// if item is a spec, set the spec
} else if (item.type == CONFIG.CANDELAFVTT.types.specialty) {
// else just let the default handler handle it
} else {
* Handle creating a new Owned Item for the actor using initial data defined in the HTML dataset
* @param {Event} event The originating click event
* @private
async _onItemCreate(event) {
const header = event.currentTarget;
// Get the type of item to create.
const type = header.dataset.type;
// Grab any data associated with this control.
const data = duplicate(header.dataset);
// Initialize a default name.
const name = `New ${type.capitalize()}`;
// Prepare the item object.
const itemData = {
name: name,
type: type,
system: data,
// Remove the type from the dataset since it's in the itemData.type prop.
delete itemData.system['type'];
// Finally, create the item!
return await Item.create(itemData, { parent: this.actor });
* Handle clickable rolls.
* @param {Event} event The originating click event
* @private
_onRoll(event) {
const element = event.currentTarget;
const dataset = element.dataset;
// Handle item rolls.
if (dataset.rollType) {
// normal item roll
if (dataset.rollType == 'item') {
const itemId = element.closest('.item').dataset.itemId;
const item = this.actor.items.get(itemId);
if (item) return item.roll();
// action roll, use custom roll
} else if (dataset.rollType == 'action') {
const actionId = element.closest('.action').dataset.actionId;
const actionPath = element.closest('.action').dataset.attribute;
const action = deepFind(this.actor, actionPath);
if (action) return Action.rollAction(action, actionId);
// Handle rolls that supply the formula directly.
if (dataset.roll) {
let label = dataset.label ? `[ability] ${dataset.label}` : '';
let roll = new Roll(dataset.roll, this.actor.getRollData());
speaker: ChatMessage.getSpeaker({ actor: this.actor }),
flavor: label,
rollMode: game.settings.get('core', 'rollMode'),
rolls: [roll],
return roll;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* Handle a click on illumination points.
* @param {Event} event The originating click event
* @private
onIlluminationClick(event) {
const button = event.currentTarget;
const value = Number(button.dataset.value);
const currentValue = this.actor.system.illumination.value;
let updateData = {};
// if clicking a selected point, reset it
if (currentValue == value) {
updateData['system.illumination.value'] = value - 1;
} else {
updateData['system.illumination.value'] = value;
* Handle a click on the illumination reset button.
* @param {Event} event The originating click event
* @private
onIlluminationReset() {
let updateData = {};
updateData['system.illumination.value'] = 0;
* Handle a click on the illumination reset button.
* @param {Event} event The originating click event
* @private
onMemberRemove(event) {
const uuid = $(event.currentTarget).closest('.item').data('memberUuid');
let circleUpdateData = {};
circleUpdateData['system.members'] = this.actor.system.members.filter(function (member) {
return member.uuid !== uuid;
const actors = foundry.utils.parseUuid(uuid);
const actor = actors.collection.get(actors.documentId);
if (actor) {
let actorUpdateData = {};
actorUpdateData['system.circle.uuid'] = '';
actorUpdateData['system.circle.color'] = '';
actorUpdateData['system.circle.name'] = '';
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* Reset the role
* @param {Object} role The new role
* @private
async setRole(role) {
// get id of the current role of the actor
let embeddedUpdateData = [];
for (let i of this.actor.items) {
if (i.type == CONFIG.CANDELAFVTT.types.role) {
// delete current role of the actor
await this.actor.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('Item', embeddedUpdateData);
// prepare new role data
let updateData = {};
updateData['system.role'] = role;
// set new role
await this.actor.update(updateData);
* (Re)set the specialty
* @param {Object} spec The new role
* @param {boolean} reset Force a reset
* @private
async setSpecialty(spec, reset = false) {
// check if specialty matches role or reset is forced
if (reset || this.checkSpecialtyAgainstRole(spec.system.roleIdentifier)) {
// find current specialty
let embeddedUpdateData = [];
for (let i of this.actor.items) {
if (i.type == CONFIG.CANDELAFVTT.types.specialty) {
// delete current specialty
await this.actor.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('Item', embeddedUpdateData);
// set new specialty
if (!reset) {
let updateData = {};
updateData['system.specialty'] = spec;
for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(spec.system.drives)) {
updateData['system.actionCategories.' + k + '.drives.max'] = v;
updateData['system.actionCategories.' + k + '.drives.value'] = v;
updateData['system.actionCategories.' + k + '.resistance.max'] = Math.floor(v / 3);
updateData['system.actionCategories.' + k + '.resistance.value'] = Math.floor(v / 3);
for (let [ck, cv] of Object.entries(spec.system.actionRatings)) {
for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(cv)) {
updateData['system.actionCategories.' + ck + '.actions.' + k + '.value'] = v;
await this.actor.update(updateData);
// if the spec is invalid, prompt an error and return
} else {
* Check if spec role id matches selected role
* @param {string} specRoleID The spec id
* @private
checkSpecialtyAgainstRole(specRoleID) {
if (this.actor.system.role && this.actor.system.role.system.identifier == specRoleID) {
return true;
return false;