{ "id": "boilerplate", "title": "Boilerplate", "description": "The Boilerplate system for FoundryVTT!", "authors": [ { "name": "Asacolips", "discord": "asacolips" }, { "name": "Lee Talman", "discord": ".pizzaWizard" } ], "url": "Replace this with a link to your public repository", "license": "LICENSE.txt", "readme": "README.md", "bugs": "Replace this with a link to file issues or tickets", "changelog": "CHANGELOG.md", "media": [ { "type": "setup", "url": "systems/boilerplate/assets/anvil-impact.png", "thumbnail": "systems/boilerplate/assets/anvil-impact.png" } ], "version": "2.0.0", "compatibility": { "minimum": 11, "verified": "11.315" }, "esmodules": ["module/boilerplate.mjs"], "styles": ["css/boilerplate.css"], "languages": [ { "lang": "en", "name": "English", "path": "lang/en.json" } ], "packs": [], "packFolders": [], "socket": false, "manifest": "Replace this with a link to the /latest release system.json so people can receive updates after they've installed the system", "download": "This must link to a .zip file of the current version", "background": "systems/boilerplate/assets/anvil-impact.png", "gridDistance": 5, "gridUnits": "ft", "primaryTokenAttribute": "health", "secondaryTokenAttribute": "power" }