name: Release on: release: types: [published] jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: contents: write pull-requests: read steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Write raw version to env run: | echo "VERSION=${GITHUB_REF_NAME#v}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" - name: Substitute version in manifest uses: microsoft/variable-substitution@v1 with: files: 'system.json' env: version: ${{ env.VERSION }} download:${{github.repository}}/releases/download/${{github.event.release.tag_name}}/candelafvtt-${{github.event.release.tag_name}}.zip - name: Install dependencies and build run: | npm install -g yarn yarn install sh ${{ env.VERSION }} - name: Update release with files uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1 with: allowUpdates: true name: ${{ }} draft: false token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} artifacts: 'dist/system.json,dist/candelafvtt-v${{ env.VERSION }}.zip' tag: ${{ github.event.release.tag_name }} body: ${{ github.event.release.body }}