import { CANDELAFVTT } from '../helpers/config.mjs'; /** * Extend the base Actor document by defining a custom roll data structure. * @extends {Actor} */ export class CandelafvttActor extends Actor { /** @override */ prepareData() { // Prepare data for the actor. Calling the super version of this executes // the following, in order: data reset (to clear active effects), // prepareBaseData(), prepareEmbeddedDocuments() (including active effects), // prepareDerivedData(). super.prepareData(); } /** @override */ prepareBaseData() { // Data modifications in this step occur before processing embedded // documents or derived data. } /** * @override * Augment the basic actor data with additional dynamic data. Typically, * you'll want to handle most of your calculated/derived data in this step. * Data calculated in this step should generally not exist in template.json * (such as ability modifiers rather than ability scores) and should be * available both inside and outside of character sheets (such as if an actor * is queried and has a roll executed directly from it). */ async prepareDerivedData() { const actorData = this; const systemData = actorData.system; const flags = actorData.flags.candelafvtt || {}; // Make separate methods for each Actor type (character, npc, etc.) to keep // things organized. this._prepareCharacterData(actorData); this._prepareCircleData(actorData); } /** * Prepare Character type specific data */ async _prepareCharacterData(actorData) { if (actorData.type !== CANDELAFVTT.types.character) return; // Get role and spec from items for (let i of actorData.items) { // set role. if (i.type === CANDELAFVTT.types.role) { actorData.system.role = i; } // set specialty. else if (i.type === CANDELAFVTT.types.specialty) { actorData.system.specialty = i; } } // calculate resistances for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(actorData.system.actionCategories)) { v.resistance.max = Math.floor(v.drives.max / 3); } } /** * Prepare Circle type specific data. */ _prepareCircleData(actorData) { if (actorData.type !== return; // set resources based on circle members let memberCount = actorData.system.members ? actorData.system.members.length : 0; for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(actorData.system.resources)) { v.max = memberCount + 1; } // populate illumination array with illuminationCount values and start to count with 1 actorData.system.illuminationArray = [...Array(actorData.system.illumination.max).keys()]; for (let [e, i] of actorData.system.illuminationArray.entries()) { actorData.system.illuminationArray[i] = e + 1; } // find and add members for (let [i, m] of actorData.system.members.entries()) { const actors = foundry.utils.parseUuid(m.uuid); const member = actors.collection.get(actors.documentId); actorData.system.members[i].name =; } } /** * Override getRollData() that's supplied to rolls. */ getRollData() { const data = super.getRollData(); // Prepare character roll data. this._getCharacterRollData(data); this._getCircleRollData(data); return data; } /** * Prepare character roll data. */ _getCharacterRollData(data) { if (this.type !== CANDELAFVTT.types.character) return; } /** * Prepare Circle roll data. */ _getCircleRollData(data) { if (this.type !== return; } }