
111 lines
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* Extend the base Actor document by defining a custom roll data structure which is ideal for the Simple system.
* @extends {Actor}
export class BoilerplateActor extends Actor {
/** @override */
prepareData() {
// Prepare data for the actor. Calling the super version of this executes
// the following, in order: data reset (to clear active effects),
// prepareBaseData(), prepareEmbeddedDocuments() (including active effects),
// prepareDerivedData().
/** @override */
prepareBaseData() {
// Data modifications in this step occur before processing embedded
// documents or derived data.
* @override
* Augment the actor source data with additional dynamic data. Typically,
* you'll want to handle most of your calculated/derived data in this step.
* Data calculated in this step should generally not exist in template.json
* (such as ability modifiers rather than ability scores) and should be
* available both inside and outside of character sheets (such as if an actor
* is queried and has a roll executed directly from it).
prepareDerivedData() {
const actorData = this;
const systemData = actorData.system;
const flags = actorData.flags.boilerplate || {};
// Make separate methods for each Actor type (character, npc, etc.) to keep
// things organized.
* Prepare Character type specific data
_prepareCharacterData(actorData) {
if (actorData.type !== 'character') return;
// Make modifications to data here. For example:
const systemData = actorData.system;
// Loop through ability scores, and add their modifiers to our sheet output.
for (let [key, ability] of Object.entries(systemData.abilities)) {
// Calculate the modifier using d20 rules.
ability.mod = Math.floor((ability.value - 10) / 2);
* Prepare NPC type specific data.
_prepareNpcData(actorData) {
if (actorData.type !== 'npc') return;
// Make modifications to data here. For example:
const systemData = actorData.system;
systemData.xp = systemData.cr * systemData.cr * 100;
* Override getRollData() that's supplied to rolls.
getRollData() {
// Starts off by populating the roll data with `this.system`
const data = { ...super.getRollData() };
// Prepare character roll data.
return data;
* Prepare character roll data.
_getCharacterRollData(data) {
if (this.type !== 'character') return;
// Copy the ability scores to the top level, so that rolls can use
// formulas like `@str.mod + 4`.
if (data.abilities) {
for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(data.abilities)) {
data[k] = foundry.utils.deepClone(v);
// Add level for easier access, or fall back to 0.
if (data.attributes.level) {
data.lvl = data.attributes.level.value ?? 0;
* Prepare NPC roll data.
_getNpcRollData(data) {
if (this.type !== 'npc') return;
// Process additional NPC data here.