# Blog starter [![Netlify Status](https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/badges/a9b962b7-9df1-49db-9b40-e5fedbc8ba9e/deploy-status)](https://app.netlify.com/sites/eleventy-blog-starter/deploys) View the live demo [here](https://eleventy.rongying.co/), hosted on Netlify ![homepage](blog-v2.png) ![darkmode](blog-dark.png) ## Aims A blog that still runs without javascript. Hence, no bundlers. ## Features - Static Site Gen - Eleventy - Tailwind CSS v2.0 / Tailwind Typography / Dark Mode - Create excerpts using the `` - Custom ReadTime filter - 404 page + Tags page to view posts related to tag - Use of a `tagList` collection defined in `.eleventy.js` - `/tags` - show all available tags (excluding all and posts) as buttons (`tags.md`) - `/tags/tag-name` - shows all posts related to that tag (`tagList.md`) + Sitemap and Robots.txt - Change site url in `_data/site.json` + Shortcode to handle images - Add image under `src/assets/img/posts` and use the asset_img short code - `{% asset_img 'filename' 'alt_text' %}` eg. `{% asset_img 'mailbox.jpg' 'mailbox' %}` - Draft posts using the `published` frontmatter + Posts pagination in `index.html` - change the `size` frontmatter variable - ESLint + Bash script to create new post (based on YYYY and MM) ```bash $ ./create new blog post Created new post at src/posts/2021/01/new-blog-post.md ``` ## Running locally Create your blogpost under `src/posts`. I like to have mine sorted by YY/MM. Navigate to localhost:8080 after starting the server. ``` npm start ``` ## Deployment []( https://app.netlify.com/start/deploy?repository=https://github.com/kohrongying/11ty-blog-starter) On Netlify / Surge / Firebase hosting / etc hosting providers Build Command: `npm run build` Output folder: `_site`