{ "translatable.text10010": "Bdubs", "translatable.text10011": "Player sleeps for the next 2 turns. Can't attack. Restores full health. Can still draw and attach cards while sleeping. ", "translatable.text10012": "Can't be used consecutively. User can not go AFK while asleep.", "translatable.text10020": "Cubfan", "translatable.text10021": "After attack, player can choose to swap with one of their AFK Hermits.", "translatable.text10030": "Doc", "translatable.text10031": "Flip a coin. If heads, attack damage doubles. If tails, attack damage is halved.", "translatable.text10040": "Etho", "translatable.text10041": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack also burns the opponent. ", "translatable.text10042": "Does an additional 20hp damage per turn until opponent is knocked out. ", "translatable.text10043": "Going AFK does not eliminate the burn.", "translatable.text10050": "FALSE", "translatable.text10051": "Flip a coin. If heads, 40hp is also restored to False.", "translatable.text10060": "Gem", "translatable.text10061": "Flip a coin. If heads, player can play an additional ", "translatable.text10062": "single use effect card to end their turn.", "translatable.text10070": "Grian", "translatable.text10071": "Flip a coin. If heads, user takes active opposing Hermit's attached effect card. ", "translatable.text10072": "User can then attach or discard card. If user already has effect card attached, ", "translatable.text10073": "opponent's effect card is discarded.", "translatable.text10080": "Hypno", "translatable.text10081": "Player can choose to attack opposing AFK Hermits. ", "translatable.text10082": "If AFK Hermit is attacked, attacking Hermit discards 1 attached item card.", "translatable.text10090": "Impulse", "translatable.text10091": "Does an additional 40hp damage for every AFK Boomer (Bdubs, Tango) ", "translatable.text10092": "up to a maximum of +80hp damage.", "translatable.text10100": "Iskall", "translatable.text10101": "Does double damage versus builder types.", "translatable.text10110": "Jevin", "translatable.text10111": "After attack, opponent is forced to replace active Hermit with AFK Hermit. ", "translatable.text10112": "If there are no AFK Hermits, active Hermit remains in battle. Opponent picks Hermit.", "translatable.text10120": "Joe Hills", "translatable.text10121": "Flip a coin. If heads, opponent skips next turn. ", "translatable.text10122": "\"Time Skip\" can not be used consecutively if successful.", "translatable.text10130": "Keralis", "translatable.text10131": "Heals any AFK Hermit +100hp. Can not be used consecutively.", "translatable.text10140": "Mumbo", "translatable.text10141": "Flip a coin twice. +40 damage for every heads. Total damage doubles ", "translatable.text10142": "if at least 1 other Prankster type is AFK. If player does not roll heads at least once, ", "translatable.text10143": "the above does not apply.", "translatable.text10150": "Pearl", "translatable.text10151": "Opponent flips a coin on their next turn. If heads, their attack misses. ", "translatable.text10152": "Opponent can not miss on consecutive turns.", "translatable.text10160": "Rendog", "translatable.text10161": "Player mimics special move of the opposing active Hermit.", "translatable.text10170": "Scar", "translatable.text10171": "If player is knocked out the following turn, flip a coin. ", "translatable.text10172": "If heads, player is revived with 50hp. Can only be revived once.", "translatable.text10180": "Stress", "translatable.text10181": "This attack instantly knocks out opposing active Hermit as well as the user.", "translatable.text10190": "Tango", "translatable.text10191": "At the end of the turn, both player and opposing Hermit are replaced by AFK Hermits. ", "translatable.text10192": "Opponent must select replacement first. If there are no AFK Hermits, active Hermit remains in battle.", "translatable.text10200": "TFC", "translatable.text10201": "Flip a coin. If heads, player draws another card at the end of their turn.", "translatable.text10210": "Beef", "translatable.text10211": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack also removes all status effects ", "translatable.text10212": "from user's active and AFK Hermits.", "translatable.text10220": "Wels", "translatable.text10221": "If user's HP is orange, move does +20hp damage. ", "translatable.text10222": "If user's HP is red, move does +50 damage.", "translatable.text10230": "xB", "translatable.text10231": "Move ignores any effect cards attached to opposing Hermits.", "translatable.text10240": "Xisuma", "translatable.text10241": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack poisons the opponent. ", "translatable.text10242": "Does an additional 20hp damage per turn until opponent is knocked out. ", "translatable.text10243": "Going AFK does not eliminate the poison.", "translatable.text10250": "Zedaph", "translatable.text10251": "Flip a coin. If heads,opponent flips a coin on their next turn. ", "translatable.text10252": "If heads, opponent damages themselves.", "translatable.text10260": "Cleo", "translatable.text10261": "Player uses a move from any of their AFK Hermits.", "translatable.text10270": "UR Beef", "translatable.text10271": "If user has Doc, Bdubs and Etho as AFK, attack damage doubles.", "translatable.text10280": "UR Etho", "translatable.text10281": "Flip a coin 3 times. Does an additional 20hp damage for every heads.", "translatable.text10290": "UR TFC", "translatable.text10291": "Flip a coin. If heads, opponent is forced to discard effect card attached to active Hermit. ", "translatable.text10292": "Only 1 effect card per opposing Hermit can be discarded.", "translatable.text20010": "Water Bucket", "translatable.text20011": "Stops burn. Can be used on active or AFK Hermits. Discard after use. ", "translatable.text20012": "Can also be attached to prevent burn. Discard after user is knocked out.", "translatable.text20020": "Milk Bucket", "translatable.text20021": "Stops poison. Can be used on active or AFK Hermits. Discard after use. ", "translatable.text20022": "Can also be attached to prevent poison. Discard after user is knocked out.", "translatable.text20030": "Lava Bucket", "translatable.text20031": "Burns opposing Hermit. Does an additional 20hp damager per turn until opponent is knocked out. ", "translatable.text20032": "Going AFK does not eliminate the burn.Discard after use.", "translatable.text20040": "Wolf", "translatable.text20041": "Opponent takes 20hp damage every time user is attacked until user is knocked out. ", "translatable.text20042": "Discard after user is knocked out.", "translatable.text20050": "Shield", "translatable.text20051": "Protects from the first 10hp damage taken. ", "translatable.text20052": "Discard following any damage taken.", "translatable.text20060": "Gold Armour", "translatable.text20061": "Protects from the first 20hp damage taken. ", "translatable.text20062": "Discard following any damage taken.", "translatable.text20070": "Iron Armour", "translatable.text20071": "Protects from the first 20hp damage taken. ", "translatable.text20072": "Discard after user is knocked out.", "translatable.text20080": "Diamond Armour", "translatable.text20081": "Protects from the first 30hp damage taken. ", "translatable.text20082": "Discard after user is knocked out.", "translatable.text20090": "Netherite Armour", "translatable.text20091": "Protects from the first 40hp damage taken. ", "translatable.text20092": "Discard after user is knocked out.", "translatable.text20100": "Golden Axe", "translatable.text20101": "Does 40hp damage. Ignores any attached effect card. ", "translatable.text20102": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20110": "Iron Sword", "translatable.text20111": "Does 20hp damage to opposing Hermit. ", "translatable.text20112": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20120": "Diamond Sword", "translatable.text20121": "Does 40hp damage to opposing Hermit. ", "translatable.text20122": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20130": "Netherite Sword", "translatable.text20131": "Does 60hp damage to opposing Hermit. ", "translatable.text20132": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20140": "TNT", "translatable.text20141": "Does 60hp damage to opposing Hermit. Also does 20hp damage to user. ", "translatable.text20142": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20150": "Crossbow", "translatable.text20151": "Does 40hp damage to opposing Hermit and 10hp damage to AFK Hermit of player's choice. ", "translatable.text20152": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20160": "Bow", "translatable.text20161": "Does 40hp damage to opposing AFK Hermit. User chooses AFK Hermit. ", "translatable.text20162": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20170": "Splash Potion of Poison", "translatable.text20171": "Poisons the opposing Hermit. Does an additional 20hp damage per turn until ", "translatable.text20172": "opponent is knocked out. Going AFK does not eliminate the Poison. ", "translatable.text20173": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20180": "Instant Health", "translatable.text20181": "Heals 30hp. Can be used on active or AFK Hermits. ", "translatable.text20182": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20190": "Instant Health II", "translatable.text20191": "Heals 60hp. Can be used on active or AFK Hermits. ", "translatable.text20192": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20200": "Splash Potion of Healing", "translatable.text20201": "Heals player's active and AFK Hermits 20hp. ", "translatable.text20202": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20210": "Invisibility", "translatable.text20211": "Flip a coin. If heads, no damage is done on opponent's next turn.", "translatable.text20212": " If tails, double damage is done. Discard after use.", "translatable.text20220": "Golden Apple", "translatable.text20221": "Heals 100hp. Can be used on active or AFK Hermits. ", "translatable.text20222": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20230": "Bed", "translatable.text20231": "User sleeps for the next 2 turns. Can't attack. Restores full health. ", "translatable.text20232": "Can still draw and attach cards while sleeping. Can not go AFK while asleep. ", "translatable.text20233": "Discard when user wakes up.", "translatable.text20240": "Spyglass", "translatable.text20241": "Opponent must reveal any 3 cards in their hand. ", "translatable.text20242": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20250": "Composter", "translatable.text20251": "Discard 2 cards in your hand. Draw 2. ", "translatable.text20252": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20260": "Flint And Steel", "translatable.text20261": "Discard your hand. Draw 3 cards. ", "translatable.text20262": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20270": "Chest", "translatable.text20271": "Look through your discard pile and select 1 card to return to your hand. ", "translatable.text20272": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20280": "Fishing Rod", "translatable.text20281": "Draw 2 cards from your deck. ", "translatable.text20282": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20290": "Totem Of Undying", "translatable.text20291": "Player recovers 10hp after being knocked out and remains in battle. ", "translatable.text20292": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20300": "Lead", "translatable.text20301": "Move 1 of your opponent's active Hermit item cards to any of their AFK Hermits. ", "translatable.text20302": "Receiving Hermit must have open item card slot. ", "translatable.text20303": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20310": "Emerald", "translatable.text20311": "Swap 1 effect card with opposing active Hermit. ", "translatable.text20312": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20320": "Chorus Fruit", "translatable.text20321": "Swap your active Hermit with AFK Hermit after attacking. ", "translatable.text20322": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20330": "Clock", "translatable.text20331": "Opponent skips their next turn. ", "translatable.text20332": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20340": "Thorns", "translatable.text20341": "Opposing Hermit takes 10hp damage after attack. ", "translatable.text20342": "Discard after user is knocked out.", "translatable.text20350": "Curse Of Vanishing", "translatable.text20351": "Opponent is forced to discard their active Hermit's attached effect card. ", "translatable.text20352": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20360": "Curse Of Binding", "translatable.text20361": "Opposing active Hermit can not go AFK on the following turn. ", "translatable.text20362": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20370": "Knockback", "translatable.text20371": "Opposing Hermit goes AFK following user's attack. Opponent chooses replacement. ", "translatable.text20372": "Can only be used if opponent has at least 1 AFK Hermit. ", "translatable.text20373": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20380": "Loyalty", "translatable.text20381": "When the Hermit that this card is attached to is knocked out, user flips a coin. ", "translatable.text20382": "If heads, 1 of Hermit's attached item cards is chosen to return to user's hand. ", "translatable.text20383": "Discard after user is knocked out.", "translatable.text20390": "Efficiency", "translatable.text20391": "User can execute attack without having the necessary item cards attached. Current turn only. ", "translatable.text20392": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20400": "Looting", "translatable.text20401": "Flip a coin. If heads, user picks 1 item card from opposing active Hermit and adds it to user's hand. ", "translatable.text20402": "Discard after use.", "translatable.text20410": "Mending", "translatable.text20411": "When attached, user returns any \"single use\" card to their deck. ", "translatable.text20412": "Mending is then discarded.", "translatable.text20420": "Fortune", "translatable.text20421": "Any coin flip necessary for user's attack are not needed and \"heads\" is assumed. ", "translatable.text20422": "Discard after use.", "death.attack.sonic_boom": "%1$s was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek from %2$s" }