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Rules and conditions
* No cheating - This should be obvious, but no hacks or cheats. Minimap, Waypoint, and World Map mods are ok.
* No stealing - Another that should be obvious, but no stealing from other players.
If the other player is offline, borrowing is fine as long as it's not an expensive block/item, and you either replace it later or give it back.
* No unprovoked PVP - If another player sets up a PVP-driven minigame (such as Hermitcraft's Head Games), this rule is suspended, but only for those participating in the minigame.
* Watch your language - No racism, sexism, homophobia, or other "off-color" jokes or language. It's not funny, it's not nice, and I will not hesitate to ban you for some time, if not permanently.
* No harassment - Ths is separate from the previous rule since I felt it should be very clear that any harassment from another player will not be tolerated.
Pranking is not considered harassment, but griefing and continuing to PVP someone after they say not to is not okay.
If you are being harassed by another player, please let me (Nexan) know immediately.
* Mods are ok in moderation - Forgive the pun. This rule is a bit tricky. While some client mods are okay, don't go too crazy with them.
For example, I have no problem with mouse tweaks, inventory tweaks, optifine, JEI-type mods, and similar.
Please do not use any xray mods or cheat-type mods that could break the game or give you an unfair advantage.
I would rather not have to worry about a "grief prevention" plugin on the server if at all possible.
* On Resource Packs in general - Go crazy. Retexture items, use Vanilla Tweaks, make ores more visible, whatever.
As long as it doesn't give you Xray, you're fine. Personally, I use a Resource Pack from Vanilla Tweaks that makes ores more visible.
* On content creation - If you plan to use this server to make content for YouTube, Twitch, or whatever else, go right ahead!
Please keep in mind that I would rather not police the language on the server too much, and I don't want to introduce a filter on chat.
Additionally, if you don't plan on making web content on this server, please note that if someone else does, they may show off something
you wouldn't normally want shown to the public, so please keep that in mind when building.
* On secondary accounts - If you plan on making web content on the server and have a secondary account that you want to use for video recording, please let me know!
I will be happy to accommodate you for that, and will permanently set the account into spectator mode. Please note, the spectator account should not be used to cheat or find ores unfairly.
Additionally, if you don't plan to create web content but have a secondary account you want to use to view your builds from different angles that aren't
normally achieveable in-game, I will help you out with that, as well.